Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Transactional Printing Companies and Services

Transactional Printing Companies and Services

Though emails work just fine for sending order confirmations and invoices for small purchases, you might have to look for another solid option to deal with your more important communications. We have seen how direct mail marketing has always proved effective and result-bearing, so why stop at marketing? Companies can consider sending transactional mail to communicate with their clients or customers. Invoices, order confirmations, bills, receipts, and statements are all considered transactional mail.

Emails are likely to be ignored and forgotten. But, sending something in the mail creates an impact. It makes people open and read the mail content attentively. Moreover, it builds trust among parties.

transactional mails printing services

What Is Transactional Printing?

Transactional printing is the process of creating and printing official documents. But it is not that simple. Such official documents contain sensitive and confidential information. Hence, security, data privacy, and accuracy are all to be taken into consideration. The best way to go about the process is by using the services of a transactional printing company.

Unlike regular mail, transactional mail uses customer data based on transactions known and initiated by the customers themselves. It is the exact opposite of marketing mail, where you are still in the process of convincing prospects to initiate a transaction. Transactional printing uses a common format and then auto-fills the variable data pulled from a system.

Examples of Transactional Mail

Transactional printing is also called statement printing by many companies. It may seem limited to printing documents that summarise transactions, but indeed the scope of transactional printing is quite large.

Order Confirmations

Order confirmations, as the name goes, are meant to close deals and confirm purchase orders. Also known as purchase receipts, they are sent out to buyers right after they place an order. Usually, order confirmations are printed and mailed when the orders could take some time to complete, and the transactions are done on a credit basis.

Account Statements

Banks are not the only type of firms that print account statements. Businesses keep a record of all the purchases and payments made by their customers and clients. It is mostly drafted in the form of a ledger. Account statements are used to give a consolidated view of all the transactions taking place between the company and the customer.


Invoices state all the details of a particular transaction, such as the customer name, date of purchase, amount, payment terms, and particulars. Invoices are sent to customers after they purchase something so that they are aware of their dues and clear them as per the payment terms.

Policy Updates

The introduction of new policies or changes in the current ones should be communicated to all the related parties. Companies can use transactional printing solutions like PostGrid to print and mail professional policy update letters.

Printing of notices, explanation of benefits, debt-collection reminders, and all other official documents can be counted under transactional printing.

How Can Transactional Printing Companies Help You?

Data Privacy and Security

Transactional printing solutions like PostGrid offer exceptional security and data privacy throughout your print and mail process. Being compliant with GDPR UK and the Data Protection Act, 2018, you can be assured that you are lawfully printing and mailing your documents while also ensuring your own security.

Incorporating Modern Technology

Transactional direct mail is popularly used by several organisations. However, it can truly grow as only an industry when it is combined with today’s technology. Variable data printing, envelope printing, digital colour printing, including QR codes to scan and pay, and other such technologies are all part of modern technology that transactional printing companies help you use.


PostGrid’s print and mail API can help companies integrate with their system and start printing right from there. You can also select from among the pre-built templates and use them for drafting your transactional mail, taking off the pressure to look for a designer.

Print and Mail

Transactional printing companies can help you get your documents printed in high quality through reputed printers. They can assist you in printing compelling and attention-grabbing mail items along with saving costs and time. You can make your choice about the paper stock, ink, envelope, and such things.

Not every transactional printing company provides mailing solutions, but PostGrid does. Getting printing and mailing both done altogether can help save a lot of effort on your part, plus improves the overall efficiency.

Transpromotional printing

It is not a hard and fast rule to only communicate about a transaction or about something official through transactional mail. Smart marketers have started using transactional mail as a means of marketing too. It is referred to as transpromo or transpromotional printing. Printing marketing messages on transactional mail items can help you do two things at the same time. Sometimes, it even attracts repeat business and quick clearance of payments. For example, printing “get a discount of 10% on your next order” on all your order confirmations.

Bulk Printing

Businesses require transactional printing solutions regularly, and sometimes they also need to print in bulk. A transactional printing company can help you with both on-demand and bulk printing. Hence, it doesn’t matter if you need to send out one invoice to a client or a thousand policy change notices.

CRM Integration

You can integrate PostGrid’s transactional print and mail API into your payroll, human resources management, marketing, or accounting software. Thus, you will be able to pull the required details speedily, plus create, print, and mail directly from your system.

Record-Keeping and Reconciliation

Once you send mail through PostGrid, you can track everything through your dashboard. By integrating, you can also have the reconciliation with your accounts are taken care of. PostGrid can help you keep complete records of sent mail, follow-ups, and more.

Address Verification

As we said before, transactional printing requires security and accuracy. Therefore, you cannot afford to send transactional mail with sensitive information to the wrong addresses. Using PostGrid’s print and mail API, you can also have access to its address verification solutions.

direct mail operations

Benefits of Outsourcing Transactional Printing

Ensure Data Privacy

Avoid data breach risks by outsourcing your transactional printing activities to a trustworthy solution provider like PostGrid. It can help you comply with all direct mail laws and can protect your data privacy under any circumstances.

Reduce Print and Mail Costs

Not only does a transactional printing company provide printing at lower rates, but it can also help you avail of huge postal discounts from Royal Mail.

Get Repeat Business

Transpromotional printing can really help you get your customers hooked to your company and keep purchasing from you repeatedly. PostGrid can help you plan and print marketing messages smartly on your transactional mail.

Skip Inventory Stocking

While printing in-house, you would need to purchase a high-quality printer, other sorts of equipment for sorting and labelling, and perishables like paper, ink cartridges, stamps, and more. By outsourcing, you can skip through purchasing and maintaining anything.

No More Manual Effort

Drafting transactional mail regularly and getting them printed one-by-one on your printer is extremely monotonous and time-consuming. Not to mention, it is prone to mistakes. You can prevent all that by simply outsourcing transactional printing.

Wrapping Up

Transactional mail is mostly used by healthcare, banking, insurance, and other heavily regulated industries. However, companies of almost all sectors have been using transactional mail for quite some time. Transactional printing solutions like PostGrid can help businesses streamline their transactional printing activities and carry on with them with much more flexibility, precision, and efficiency.

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post Transactional Printing Companies and Services appeared first on PostGrid UK.

Via https://www.postgrid.co.uk/transactional-printing-companies-and-services/

source https://postgridunitedkingdom.weebly.com/blog/transactional-printing-companies-and-services

source https://rubyhbenson.blogspot.com/2021/08/transactional-printing-companies-and.html

Sunday, August 1, 2021

What Is Postal Code Targeting?

Postal Code Targeting

Every business wants to put the best marketing strategies in operation for targeting prospects and customers and increasing conversions. Smart marketing methods are based on a lot of factors like a targeted database, creative ideas, personalisation, and more. It is essential to find and reach out to the right prospects who match your customer profile rather than indulging in general or blanket marketing.

postal code targeting

Most marketers conduct direct mail marketing campaigns to target customers specifically. But what about acquiring new customers? Moreover, how do you get the details of your prospects to mail them? On what factors are you going to target them? Royal Mail helps you answer such questions with its unaddressed mail solutions. Using this method, you can target prospects without having their personal information like names and addresses.

What Is Postal Code Targeting?

As the name goes, postal code targeting simply means targeting prospects in certain postcodes. Basically, postal code targeting is a service offered by Canada Post to help businesses target and saturate specific postal codes. It is the biggest form of targeted marketing in Canada. In the UK too, Royal Mail offers similar services. With the help of door drops and partially addressed mail, it allows marketers to reach out to potential customers even without possessing their personal information.

Royal Mail has a database consisting of about 29 million postal addresses and more than a million postcodes. By availing of its services, you can not only target better but also have access to its huge database.

Door-to-Door Direct Mail

The door-to-door mail service provided by Royal Mail is all about sending out unaddressed door drops like postcards to specific households. Royal Mail helps you target households that match your customer profile. Marketers can choose to target local or national households as per their requirements and preferences without using their personal data. It means that you don’t address individuals; rather, you address households.

Door drops are an impactful addition to your marketing plans. They help you target both prospects and existing customers. Find below some statistics that convey the importance and effectiveness of door-to-door direct mail:

  • 83% of door-to-door mail items are opened and read and even sometimes filed and stored by the recipients.
  • Door drops are super affordable. You can target up to 8,000 households in just around £500.
  • 80% of the top advertisers in the UK use door drops for marketing.

It doesn’t matter if you are a small-scale or large-scale business, newly established or running for decades. You can avail door-to-door mail service anyway to reach out to the right households and communicate your message.

Some of the prime benefits of door drops are:

  • You can easily drive prospects and customers to your website and other digital platforms by sending them door drops. It is reported that 59% of recipients actively visit company websites after receiving such a mail item.
  • Door drops help companies increase sales. 67% of door drop recipients are prompted to purchase something. This way, you know that your direct mail campaign is actually working and producing amazing results.
  • People like to retain door drops. Most of the recipients stick them to their refrigerators or simply pin them on their boards. These things increase your brand visibility and further improve your brand image.
  • You can select from among 30 million houses all across the UK to target. With such a huge database and the means to target households relevantly, marketers can be assured of great results.

Partially Addressed Direct Mail

Partially addressed mail enables direct mail marketers to print and mail to generic recipients that share common traits or characteristics. Usually, such type of mail is personalised as far as the title is concerned. For example, “Dear Parent,” “Dear Cambridge Resident,” “Dear Car Owner,” and so on. Partially addressed mail helps you narrow down your target audience using certain geo-demographic factors.

It allows you to target on postcode levels, similar to postal code targeting in Canada and EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) in the US. Typically, there are 15 households under every postcode, and with partially addressed mail, you can saturate these postcodes.

Find below some statistics regarding partially addressed mail:

  • 88% of such mail items are engaged with by the prospects. Naturally, partially addressed mail gets high open, read, and response rates.
  • Using partially addressed mail, you can reduce your postal charges up to 20%.
  • It is around 165 times more targeted as compared to door drops. So, though door drops also offer great results, you can always go for partially addressed mail for better targeting.
  • Your existing customers are excluded from your mailing lists so that you can focus on fresh acquisitions.

How does partially addressed direct mail work?

  • You will be targeting postcode levels. Hence you can use the postcodes where your existing customers reside. This way, you can target all the customer “rich” postcodes combined with geo-demographics to identify prospect’s “look-alikes.” This process is often referred to as “topping-up.”
  • It helps you achieve greater penetration in those postcodes or areas where you already know that your products or services have been or are being used.
  • Using this method, marketers can optimise customer targeting and cover maximum prospects.
direct mail operations

Marketing at Scale

Want to conduct a large-scale direct mail campaign without customer data? Royal Mail can help you with that too. You can contact them with your volume requirements. Marketers can create a tailor-made marketing strategy for mailing in bulk.

Using PostGrid’s print and mail API, you need not go anywhere or do anything manually. It can bring all the Royal Mail services to you and assist you with everything. From detailed segmentation to personalisation, it can help you conduct highly targeted direct mail campaigns that have the ability to perform exceptionally well.

Connecting With New Prospects to Generate Fresh Leads

Before conducting any campaign, marketers are supposed to determine whether they want to target existing customers or new prospects. In case you choose to acquire new prospects, the best way to do that is through door-to-door and partially addressed mail, as we saw above. By employing certain demographics and geographics, it becomes easier to identify prospects. With such precise targeting, companies can connect with their audience easily and maximise ROI.

Conducting targeted marketing with Royal Mail is actually pretty straightforward and simple. Moreover, with PostGrid, you can simplify the whole process even further. The main mechanism is to filter and identify postcodes where most of the residents match your buyer persona. This way, you can get so many steps closer to your prospects. Further, you can design, print, and mail out attractive and convincing direct mail items to catch their attention and make them respond.

Targeting prospects through their residing postcodes means that you don’t have to send out the same mail items to everyone, and there is a scope for personalisation. You can offer exciting discounts and cashback. These offers can persuade them to buy from you, hence increasing your conversion rates.

You can always combine your own data with that of Royal Mail to get the best results. PostGrid also offers address verification solutions for you to verify and update your database and put it to use.


Postcode targeting is affordable, simple to conduct, and effective. It offers marketers a chance to conduct direct mail marketing campaigns even when they don’t have any mailing lists of their own. Not just that, Royal Mail provides these exceptional targeting and segmentation services at all-included rates with their unaddressed mail services.

Automate printing and mailing of postcards, letters, and cheques with PostGrid. Our direct mail API can help you conduct campaigns of any volume with exceptional efficiency and no manual effort.

automate direct mail

Ready to Get Started?

Start transforming and automating your offline communications with PostGrid


The post What Is Postal Code Targeting? appeared first on PostGrid UK.

Via https://www.postgrid.co.uk/postal-code-targeting/

source https://postgridunitedkingdom.weebly.com/blog/what-is-postal-code-targeting

source https://rubyhbenson.blogspot.com/2021/08/what-is-postal-code-targeting.html

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TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUEST A DEMO Easy Ways to Reduce Printing Costs and Save Money Companie...