Thursday, March 30, 2023

Why Use Flyers as a Marketing Tool

Marketing Flyer: Why Is It An Effective Marketing Tool For Your Business?

Marketing your business in the online world is becoming increasingly difficult. It is a fact that no business organisation can deny. Cutting through the clutter in the digital world is not easy, and we may have an easy solution for this problem.

why use flyers as marketing tool

Have you considered how effective is flyer marketing for your business organisation? If not, now would be an excellent time to consider this. But don’t worry. We will help you understand the scope of using marketing flyers as a marketing tool for your business.

As you read, you will learn why having a marketing channel like direct marketing flyers is crucial and how you can benefit from them. In addition to that, we will even explain how you can create effective marketing flyers for your business.

What Are Flyers?

Flyers are paper advertisements often printed in bulk for large-scale distribution via post or direct handout. Business organisations use marketing flyers to promote their products, services or events. 

Flyers come in all sizes, so you can choose a business flyer that suits your marketing message and budget better. More and more companies are now gravitating towards direct marketing flyers because it enables them to target wider audiences than direct handouts. 

You can classify the direct marketing flyer you use for your business organisation into two groups.

  • Door Drop Flyers: You send flyers to a specific locality without specifying addresses.
  • Addresses Mail Flyers: These are flyers you send to specific or individual postal addresses.

However, this is just a broad classification of direct mail flyers. You may find different and more diverse categories of direct mail flyers based on numerous aspects, including dimensions and a number of folds.

direct mail operations

Do Flyers Work As a Marketing Tool?

Before asking whether marketing flyers still work, remember that it is one of the oldest marketing tools. And despite so many years, numerous companies continue to use them. Now ask yourself, would a marketing tool survive in this cut-throat world unless it’s effective?

That question should answer itself. But if you are not satisfied with that answer, let us explain why direct marketing flyers are still an effective marketing tool. However, it does not mean implementing a marketing campaign with direct mail flyers is easy.

Some of the reasons why direct marketing flyers still work so well for your business are listed below.

Grabbing Customer Attention Online Is Becoming Increasingly Difficult

The online world offers much more chances for you to interact with your target audience. But on the other hand, grabbing the audience’s attention online is much more complicated than using a printed medium like marketing flyers.

Think of all the times you deleted an email without even bothering to open it. That’s not all. There are also situations where the online algorithm dilutes your audience and the excessive bounce rate due to slow internet. Luckily, such limitations do not apply to print media, including direct mail.

With a direct marketing flyer, the audience will, at the very least, glance through it. Not to mention, every company now focuses their marketing efforts on online platforms using the same tools. In other words, companies are pitting against each other to grab the audience’s attention, even if it’s for a second.

Statistics Supporting Direct Marketing Flyers

Below are some statistics from Data & Marketing Association that reveal how beneficial direct marketing flyers can be for your business.

  • 57% of people who received an addressed flyer opened it just as it arrived
  • 8% of people who received an addressed flyer opened it within 28 days
  • 5% of people checked out an unaddressed or Door Drop flyer they received
  • 16% of people put aside an unaddressed or Door Drop flyer they received to check it out later

As you can see from the above statistics, the likeliness of your target audience opening a marketing flyer is significantly high. You can also notice that addressed mailers tend to generate a higher open rate than unaddressed mail.

Why Should You Use Marketing Flyer As a Marketing Tool?

Above, we discussed the scope of the flyer as a marketing tool and how it is superior to digital marketing. But that doesn’t quite explain why are flyers an effective marketing tool for your business. Below are some compelling reasons why you should use a marketing tool for your business.

Marketing Flyers Are Cost-Effective

We agree that printing and delivering flyers may give you the idea that implementing direct mail marketing is expensive. But, there are two things that you probably forget here. One is the significantly higher open and response rate direct marketing flyers offer you.

The other thing you are forgetting is the significantly lower printing and delivery charges for bulk mail. Furthermore, there are also automation tools like PostGrid that optimise your bulk mail campaigns. PostGrid minimises the wastage of resources and allows you to use special services like Royal Mail Door-to-Door.

Marketing Flyers Offer Hight Impact For Low Effort

Before you get any ideas, we are not saying that preparing and sending direct marketing flyers is effortless. However, you can make the process streamlined and painless if you use the right tools. But, let’s talk about the high impact first.

As we discussed its open rate, we saw how impactful direct marketing flyers could be for your business. It is much easier to make the recipient open a postal mail because they will do it out of curiosity. In an email campaign, you have to rack your brain to develop an attractive subject line.

Even then, the customer may overlook your mail, which will remain unopened forever. As for low effort, you practically have to do nothing if you use an automated direct mail solution like PostGrid. Once you set it up, PostGrid automatically prints and delivers marketing flyers for your business.

Marketing Flyers Are Tangible

We all know someone excited about receiving and opening their daily postal mail. We have also experienced the same feeling when receiving a Christmas card from our loved ones. Receiving direct marketing flyers somewhat recreates that feeling, and we are ever so slightly happy to open them.

In general, people love things that they can touch and feel. We are so used to digital ads that we have learned to ignore them almost subconsciously. On the other hand, it is relatively rare to receive a marketing flyer. Of course, you still need to put effort into targeting and designing your mailer, so it doesn’t become another junk mail.

Marketing Flyers Add a Personal Touch

Your direct marketing flyers will not deliver the desired results simply because it is tangible. Sure, the substantial nature of your marketing mailer makes it more likely that the recipient will read it. However, you still need to present the relevant information or promote a new offer to the target audience.

Personalisation is not just limited to using the prospect’s name in your marketing material. It is also about personalising your marketing flyer with relevant information about products, services, and offers that the target audience needs.

Even physically handing out flyers has specific personal touches to it. After all, physically handing over marketing flyers facilitates personal interaction. And even if you only manage to convince them to take the marketing flyers back home with them, there is still a good chance that they’ll check them out later.

Marketing Flyers Are Eye-Catching

Another great thing about flyers as a marketing tool is that they are eye-catching. Of course, exactly how eye-catching it has to be will depend on your chosen design. Another advantage of direct marketing flyers is that, unlike digital ads, there is no clutter or distractions.

We have all come across that page online with multiple ads on every corner and edge of the page. Then there is also the problem of the user navigating away from the page after getting a notification. Once they receive a message, the user forgets about the ad altogether. No such problem arises when you are using a marketing flyer.

Furthermore, you can also place your flyers inside shops, arcades, and other places your target audience is likely to visit. With an eye-catching design, it is easy for the audience to notice the marketing flyer and check it out.

How To Create An Effective Marketing Flyer For Your Business?

Automated print and mail tools like PostGrid can help you streamline your direct mail campaigns. But, the system still needs you to do the initial setup where you choose an apt design and content for your direct marketing flyers.

In other words, you may not need help with printing and mailing your marketing flyers using an automated tool. Most Advanced systems like PostGrid use a simple interface that you can easily understand. However, you may need help designing a marketing flyer to capture the audience’s attention and convey your marketing message.

Here is how you can create effective marketing flyers for your business

Step 1: Select Your Priority Points

Did you know that the standard size of a marketing flyer can be anywhere between A7 and A4? As you can guess, you can choose the flyer size depending on its purpose and budget. But no matter how you look at it, the room for your ad is limited. There is no endless scrolling here like in a digital ad.

But, more importantly, your audience does not have the time to read large-format content. It means you can’t tell your whole brand story on direct marketing flyers and must prioritise the points you wish to convey.

Hence, you must narrow down the most critical points you want to convey to the target audience. It would be best if you also defined what you wish to accomplish with the marketing flyer, such as

  • Pushing a new product or service
  • Offering a special discount
  • Informing of special events
  • And more

Step 2: Keep It Simple

As you know, the message and design are the two most crucial aspects of your marketing mailers. You must ensure that the message and the design of your direct marketing flyers are simple. There are also templates online if you don’t have an in-house designer and don’t want to hire one.

Some online tools let you design and modify existing marketing flyer templates. Here are some quick pointers to help create an effective direct mail flyer for your business.

  • Print flyers in full colour
  • Don’t use more than two fonts
  • Always align your content
  • Separate the message into heading and body copy
  • Ensure easy readability
  • Don’t overcomplicate the flyer with too many images and texts

Step 3: Give The Audience Something Worthwhile

People or your audience can easily forget the name of your business. To some, this might be a hard pill to swallow. Nonetheless, it’s the truth, and the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can make your next move. Using direct marketing flyers is a great way to promote special offers.

There are two reasons or benefits of incorporating a special offer in your marketing flyers, and they are

  • Encourage your target audience to engage with your brand.
  • Accurately measure how effective is flyer marketing for your business.

However, that does not mean you always have to include a discount or sales offer in your direct mail flyers. But, it is just one of the many ways you can use flyers for marketing your business.

Step 4: Link It Back To Your Business

The ultimate goal of using direct marketing flyers for your business is to impact the target audience. Unlike what some might think, the impact is not always new sales. Sometimes the goal of the marketing flyers is to

  • Generate more website traffic
  • Generate more social media enquiries
  • Data collection
  • And more

Suppose you want to measure how effective are flyers for marketing. In that case, you need to link the marketing flyers right back to your business. In other words, you need to present a way for the audience to get in touch with your whenever they want. Hence, you need to include the contact information of your business on flyers, such as

  • Website address
  • Social media handles
  • Phone number
  • And other contact details

Step 5: Use Quality Papers And Printers

Companies often get careless during the production stage of sending their direct marketing flyers. The worst way to mess up your direct mail flyer campaign is by using cheap or low-quality printers and papers. Remember, your flyer’s quality will also reflect your brand’s quality.

We know what you are thinking right now. You are probably wondering how expensive such marketing could be for your business organisation. Well, it might surprise you that you can cost-effectively produce marketing flyers using automated services like PostGrid.

The fully automated print and mail system of PostGrid uses quality paper and printers for your business flyers. Furthermore, PostGrid has an error-free process that ensures zero wastage of your resources, including paper, ink, and even time. As a result, you save more money on marketing flyer printing and delivery.

Step 6: Ensure That Your Flyers Reach The Right Place

Proper targeting is the last thing you need to ensure your marketing flyer brings in the desired results. When it comes to distributing your marketing flyers, you need to think about your target audience. Consider aspects such as

  • Where does your target audience live?
  • How does your target audience shop?
  • What does your target audience read?

These questions will reveal how, when, and where you need to deliver your marketing message. You can also use address verification tools like the one offered by PostGrid for targeting specific localities. It provides a geocoding feature which allows you to target your audience using their location.


Companies often waste their valuable time wondering how effective is flyer marketing for their business. The fact is that if executed tastefully, direct mail flyers can create a significant impact on your target audience. Above, we have already discussed the many benefits of marketing flyers.

There is hardly any need for more convincing for your company to implement flyer marketing. We also saw how you could create an effective marketing flyer for your business. One thing is clear. It would be best to have an advanced print and mail tool like PostGrid to make the most out of flyer marketing.

A fully automated print and mail solution like PostGrid optimises your direct mail campaigns holistically. You get to save money by saving resources for your marketing flyers because PostGrid offers a zero-error process.

Furthermore, PostGrid can automatically send your direct marketing flyers to your audience after the initial setup. It even includes advanced capabilities like triggered and scheduled direct mails. Hence, businesses must invest in a robust solution like PostGrid for their marketing needs.

automate direct mail

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The post Why Use Flyers as a Marketing Tool appeared first on PostGrid UK.




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